The Township of Boonton Municipal Building
155 Powerville Rd
Boonton Township, NJ 07005
P: (973) 402-4002
F: (973) 402-4013
Municipal Office Hours: Monday through Friday,
8:00AM to 4:00PM
Township Administrator/ Municipal Clerk
Douglas Cabana
P: (973) 402-4012
F: (973) 402-4013
Office hours: Monday through Friday,
8:00AM to 4:00PM
Construction Department
All services provided by the Township of Montville
Health Department
Tom Gilmartin
P: (973) 402-4002 x1107
F: (973) 402-4013
Office hours: Monday and Thursday,
9:00AM to 2:00PM
Municipal Court
Joan Egan - Court Administrator
& Violations Clerk
P: (973) 402-4006
Office Hours: Monday and Wednesday,
9:30AM to 11:30AM (except for Court days)
Court Hours: appearances are held on the
2nd Wednesday of the month
starting at 1:30PM -Office opens at 1:00PM
Planning & Zoning Board - Land Use Board
Maureen Como - Board Secretary
P: (973) 402-4002 x1107
F: (973) 402-4013
Office hours: Monday through Friday,
8:00AM to 4:00PM
Tax Collection / Water & Sewer Billing
Norman Eckstein - Tax Collector
P: (973) 402-4003
F: (973) 402-4013
Office hours: Monday through Friday,
8:00AM to 4:00PM
Tax Assessment
Jacqueline Cardini - Tax Assessor
P: (973) 402-4002 x1102
F: (973) 402-4013
Office hours: by appointment
Please call for an appointment other than normal office hours.