
Contact Information  
Douglas Cabana
 Phone: (973) 402-4012
 Fax: (973) 402-4013

Department Hours 
Monday - Friday
 8:00AM to 4:00PM
 Fax: (973) 402-4013

COAH Application can be found by going to
Municipal Forms, Permits and Applications

The general administration of the Township is managed by Township Administrator, Doug Cabana.  Mr. Cabana oversees all municipal departments, coordinates the day to day operations of the community and carries out the policies as set by the elected Township Committee. Acting as the principal liaison between the Township Committee, township departments and the general public, the Township Administrator supervises a wide range of operational activities. The Administrator’s duties include:

  • Execution and enforcement of Township ordinances, resolutions and other Committee policies.
  • Management of Township personnel.
  • Oversight of the Township’s purchasing program.
  • Supervision of Township major capital improvement projects.
  • Preparation of the Township’s annual budget and management of expenditures under the budget plan.
  • Coordination of the Township’s open space acquisition program.
  • Solicitation of grant funding for various programs and projects.
  • Oversight of various State Mandated programs (such as Stormwater Management, Recycling, Affordable Housing, etc.).
  • General coordination of all citizen service requests.
  • Oversight of the Township’s COAH Units at Brae Loch. Applications are available by clicking the following link.
    Applications for Brae Loch

Mr. Cabana is available by email ( or phone (973) 402-4012. Residents may also come by the municipal offices to meet with Mr. Cabana.

The Township does not have a Public Works Department but contracts for these services with a private contractor. Rob Rizzo, Public Works Supervisor oversees all public works activities.  Mr. Rizzo is available by email ( or phone: 973-402-4002 x1105.

Mark Zisa is the Code Enforcement Officer of the Township. Mr. Zisa is available by email ( or by phone at 973-402-4002 x1109.