RVA Sports Club

Who are we?
The RVA Sports Club is made up of representatives from the Boonton Township governing body and administration, and the Presidents of the major youth sports groups in the area:
MLBTB Soccer, Boys Lacrosse, and Girls Lacrosse.

Each club sports club pays a fee which is committed to field maintenance and improvements. Boonton Township continues to pay for the grass-cutting, cleanup, parking lot and playground maintenance, and port-a-johns at the fields.

Planned Improvements
Phase one: Plans are being developed to build a Field House that would have permanent rest rooms and a snack stand/kitchen. The Field House would be positioned approximately where Coyote Café is now, so that it will not block the views from the other pavilion.

Interested in Reserving a Field or the Pavilion?
Contact the Township Administrator, bshepard@boontontownship.com for more information.

Field Map
Click here for a map of the fields .

Upcoming Events:
To be announced.