PLASTIC Plastic caps and lids larger than 3" in diameter are acceptable. The smallest acceptable plastic container is a 6 - 8 ounce yogurt cup. Containers must be empty and clean. Look for the following symbol on the container. Recycle plastic containers (bottles or non-bottles) coded 1, 2 and 5. No plastic bags or film! Plastic Coded 1: Water bottles, Soda bottles, Peanut Butter Containers Plastic Coded 2: Milks jugs, Detergent containers, Shampoo bottles Plastic Coded 5: Yogurt containers, Ketchup bottles, Syrup bottles Do not recycle those coded 3, 4, 6 and 7.
METALS Recycle aluminum and steel (tin) cans, loose metal jar lids, steel bottle caps, clean aluminum foil, pie plates and trays. Containers must be empty. GLASS Recycle glass bottles and jars with caps and lids removed. Recycle loose metal caps and lids. Bottles and jars must be empty. BATTERIES See How To Recycle Batteries - information from the Department of Transportation on the management of dry-cell batteries. What Not To Recycle No liquids
No garbage
No VHS/VCR tapes
No hardcover books
No flower pots or trays
No window panes, mirrors, glass vases, ceramics, or Pyrex dishware
No stickers or address label sheets
No plastics other those listed above
No metals other those listed above
No electronic waste (cell phones, computers)
No paint, pesticides, oil & cleaners
No plant material or food waste
No wax paper
No styrofoam or paper 'to go' containers
No motor oil, anti-freeze containers
No plastic bags
No Shredded paper
Residential Curbside Collection There is a 50 pound weight limit on recycling containers. If necessary, use multiple recycling containers. Containers must have handles. Lids are strongly recommended. If you have a problem with your collection, you must call Daria VanderGoot, the Municipal Recycling Coordinator, using the above reference contact information no later than 9:30AM the morning following your collection day.